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Monday, July 26, 2010

1908-02-24 Jim Driscoll W-DQ15 Charlie Griffin (Covent Garden, London, UK)

1908-02-25 Daily Mail (London, Middlesex, UK) (page 7)
A glove-fight of considerable importance was brought off last evening at the National Sporting Club, London, when James Driscoll, of Cardiff, and Charley Griffin, of New Zealand, met. The match, which was of twenty rounds, was for the nine stone (feather-weight) championship and a stake of £200 a side.

The contestants took the ring at ten o'clock promptly, an additional interest being given to the contest by the presence of Tommy Burns in Griffin's corner.

Driscoll from the start showed superior skill by doing all the leading, and when Griffin made any particularly aggressive move Driscoll again showed great generalship in getting out of danger.

The rounds up to the tenth succeeded each other in much the same fashion, Driscoll going further and further ahead on points. In the eleventh round Griffin woke up and quite raised the drooping hopes of his supporters.

In the twelfth and thirteenth Griffin began to show signs of weakness, and frequent appeals were made against him for holding. In the fourteenth round the referee, Mr. Douglas, got into the ring and parted the boxers on more than one occasion. There were loud claims of foul when Griffin was seen to use his chin.

Again the cry was raised in the fifteenth round, and when a palpable foul of a similar kind was observed the referee stopped the contest and awarded the fight to Driscoll, who at the time had the verdict in perfectly safe keeping.

It is a great pity that the contest should have ended as it did, for Griffin was earning golden opinions for his stanchness and cleverness, although outclassed.

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