Monday, July 26, 2010

Stanley Ketchel

1899-12-26 The Grand Rapids Herald (Grand Rapids, MI) (page 6)
Detected in Making Trips In and Out of the Leonard Store--Patrolman Viergever Took Possession of Boy and Pack.
Stanley Ketchel, a 13-year-old boy, is doubtless bemoaning the fact that he has not an over-abundance of Christmas presents to give out, without putting up the usual price for them, and it is not the fault of Stanley that he did not have just what he wished for, although it is true that he ought to be glad he can enjoy the Christmas turkey at home.

Patrolman Viergever was on special detail last week in Leonard's store. While passing an alley back of that establishment he noticed a small boy reaching over the top of the high board fence. The policeman came back, and while pretending to tie his shoe laces he watched the youngster, who turned out to be Stanley Ketchel. After he had gone Officer Viergever made an investigation, and looking over the fence he found a pocketful of small toys and other things from Leonard's. He went back into the store and there was Stanley helping himself from one of the counters.

The officer took charge of the boy and took him up to headquarters, where he spent two hours before Mr. Leonard decided not to press the charge against him because of his age, and he was allowed to go home.

1900-09-07 The Evening Press (Grand Rapids, MI) (page 1)
Sheriff Asked to Locate Ernest Frederickson, Stanley Ketchel and Oscar Halbern.

Ernest Frederickson of 210 Fremont street, Stanley Ketchel of 177 Stocking street, and Oscar Halben of 233 Fifth street, disappeared Wednesday and application was made to the sheriff's office this morning for assistance in locating them. A letter from Ketchel, dated at White Cloud, was received today, but he said nothing about the other boys. All are about 16 years of age. Frederickson is next to the oldest of a large family and was employed at the W. A. Berkey factory. He went to work Wednesday, but did not return at night.

1900-09-08 The Evening Press (Grand Rapids, MI) (page 3)
Earnest Frederickson, No. 210 Fremont street; Stanley Ketchel, No. 177 Stocking street, and Oscar Halben, No. 233 Fifth street, were reported to the sheriff's force yesterday as missing. A letter was received from the Ketchel boy, who was the oldest and employed in the W. A. Berkey factory, dated in White Cloud, but nothing was said of the other two runaways. The letter will be used to find the boy and if possible, his companions.

1901-11-29 The Evening Press (Grand Rapids, MI) (page 10)
Accidental Shooting Upon the West Side Yesterday Afternoon.

While carelessly handling a revolver yesterday afternoon William Wynn accidentally shot a companion, Edward Sonnen, through the fleshy portion of the neck, making a painful wound, but it is said that Sonnen will recover. It appears that a crowd of boys of the West Side had congregated in an old building near the corner of Fifth and McReynolds streets. Wynn, who is it said had been drinking, supposing that the gun which Stanley Ketchel had was unloaded, reached for the weapon, 32-calibre revoler, and kept snapping the trigger. Finally there was a report and Sonnen fell to the ground unconscious. Dr. Chappel was summoned and he made an examination and found that the ball passed through the left ear into the neck of Sonnen and came out back of the right ear. The patient was taken to the physician's home on Third street and after being revived he was removed to his own home at 330 Ninth street.

Sonnen is 22 years old, a single man, and employed by Berkey & Gay as a spring maker. Wynn is a lad of 17. He has been absent from that locality since the shooting. No complaint has been made to the police department and it is generally considered that the affair was accidental.

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