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Thursday, June 21, 2018

1920-06-21 Kid Norfolk W-PTS15 Jeff Clark (Fairmont Arena, Columbus, OH, USA)

1920-06-22 Columbus Evening Dispatch (Columbus, OH) (page 24)
Clark and Panama Lad Produce Whirlwind Contest at Fairmont Club's New Boxing Arena.
Kid Norfolk, from Panama and several other points of the western hemisphere, defeated Jeff Clark of Akron, Missouri and other points, in the opening show of the Fairmount club in their new arena before a good crowd of around 2000 fans. The mill went the 15-round route and Referee Walter Hughes raised the hand of Norfolk at the end of the session.

Something happened in the tenth round that sort of marred the contest, for in that frame spectators claimed the boy from down Panama way cuffed Clark below the belt and during the final five rounds the Missouri Ghost appeared to be in considerable pain. However, much credit must be given Jimmy Bronson's battler as he remained by his task gamely and despite his injury, which after the contest was quite apparent, gave Norfolk the best that was in him.


The battle was one of the fastest between big fellow Columbus fans have ever seen. Had not Clark been injured the bout would have gone to the finish under a full head of steam. But even as it was the fans were very well pleased with the controversy and appeared to appreciate the efforts of the well-matched pair.

In the first preliminary of four rounds between a pair of 146-pound colored lads, Young Smothers won the decision over Kid Russell. In the semi-final, Jakie Melman looked weak against Johnny Martin, who was given the decision.

The Fairmont club is to be congratulated on its first show in its new arena. All arrangements were splendid and despite a most threatening night a crowd that was very pleasing, under the circumstances, turned out.

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