Saginaw Fighter Was Determined but Gans Has Superior Skill--Large Crowd.
At the most notable ring battle held in this city in the last decade Joe Gans of Baltimore, Md., lightweight champion, defeated Gus Gardner of this city, showing conclusively to the most enthusiastic friend of the Saginaw fighter that he has not a possibility of a hope of defeating Gans. The latter is the best fighter seen in this city since the days of "Kid" Lavigne. He is a master of the ring, a fighter, a boxer, a general. The situation is always within his grasp. He is not timid and insists upon fighting all the time. He has a dangerous left jab to the head which kept Gardner's head swinging like a pendulum for about six rounds. Gardner was up against the strongest fighter that he ever faced and he did not show up as well as he has in former encounters. He was unable to reach the colored lad with his hard swings to the body and the jaw. In fact he did not hit the champion half a dozen blows during the entire fight. In the ninth he caught Gans on the head just after the latter had missed a swing and stirred him for a moment. But there was no damage done. Gans had the fight cinched up to this point and did not let himself loose in the last two rounds. He did not knock Gus out, but he had him groggy more than once. It is entirely probable that if Gans went out after Gardner when trained to his best that he could put him out in less than ten rounds. The two boys weighed 137 and 136. Gans was the heavier.Gardner went a long way to kill himself in this town before the bout. After a period of expectancy the two fighters entered the ring within a minute of each other, Gans leading the way. He was ready for business and quickly donned the gloves. Gardner laid back and it soon became evident that he wanted something. Manager Bowen of the club was sent for and Gardner wanted his money in advance. Bowed insisted that he deliver the goods before he received it. Then Gus refused to fight and Bowen put the money in the hands of Sam Oppenheimer. The crowd took Gardner's side of the controversy upon first thought but after Bowen made an explanation and stated that he was holding back money as requested by several of Gardner's creditors, its sentiment shifted. The feeling was that Bowen has played very square with the fighter and this is shared by even friends. At any rate it was thought Gardner should have settled this before he stepped upon the stage. It has certainly dimmed his popularity and his defeat later in the evening made it unlikely that he can ever draw a crowd here again.
The Arbeiter hall contained about 1,000 fight fans, the largest gathering drawn there under a similar program in a long time. James B. Conway, secretary of the Metropolitan club of Detroit, acted as the master of ceremonies. He introduced the principals for the first preliminary, Billy Johnson of this city and Young Mike Ward of Detroit. The respective weights were 120 and 107. The Detroit kid was gamy and took a hard beating although he gave Johnson as much as could be expected. Billy fought a good fight and got the decision. Young Kid McCoy received a great ovation, when he entered the ring to take on John Ford, colored, of Port Huron. He put it all over the colored boy who had a big sized streak of yellow and kept clinging to McCoy's legs for four and a half rounds when Referee George Campbell stopped the farce and gave McCoy the decision.
Billy St. Mary opened the program with an exhibition of bag punching, as only Billy can do.
It was 10:35 when the big fight started. Wm. H. Considine of Detroit was the referee. Gardner was seconded by William St. Mary, Charles Cherry, John H. Robinson and Hogan. In Gans' corner were his manager, Al. Herford and Frank T. Lavigne of Detroit. The timekeepers were Fred H. Smith for the club, Paddy Ryan for Gardner and J. B. Conway for Gans.
This is the story of Gardner's defeat by rounds.
The Battle by Rounds.
Round 1--They shake hands and spar for an opening. Gardner is first to land a left to the stomach following with a right to the head. In a clinch Gardner puts a left to the stomach. Gardner falls short with left and puts right to body, and Gans puts left to jaw. Gardner left to head and right to body. Gardner swings right to shoulder. Gardner misses left to ear. Gans lands right to kidneys. Gardner lands right to head and clinches. Gans puts right to body. Gardner misses to body.
Round 2--Gardner puts right to chin. Gardner crosses right to jaw. Gardner puts hard left swing to body. Gardner puts left to body. Gardner forcing Gans. Gans puts right to jaw. It is a very fast fight. Gardner puts hard right to body. Gans retreated. Gardner puts left to head. Gardner puts left to heart. Gardner misses left swing. They clinch and fight hard. Gardner puts right and left to head and receives right to body.
Round 3--Gardner rushes, lands left to kidneys and clinches. Gardner misses left to body. They clinch and exchange blows. Gans chopped right to jaw. They clinch and fight hard. Gardner lands hard right to body. Gans puts left to jaw. Gardner short with short swing. Gardner landed hard right to jaw. Gardner lands right swing to jaw. Gardner swings left and right to body. They clinch. Gardner landing hard right to body.
Round 4--Gardner misses left for body and hooked left to jaw. They clinch and exchange left, both swing and fight very cautiously. Gans ducks a left swing and puts right to body. Gardner short to head. Gans puts a left to jaw. Gardner lands on body. Gans puts hard left to jaw. Gardner puts right to body and repeating it. Gans chops a hard one to jaw. They clinch and exchange blows. Gardner swings left to body and right to jaw. Gardner swings left to face. Honors about even in this round.
Round 5--Gans puts a left to jaw and right to body. Gardner swings viciously for head. Gans puts left to jaw and repeats. Gardner swings to head. Gardner puts hard right to body and hard left to face. Gans missed an uppercut. They exchange blows in a clinch. Gans gets first blood. Gardner lands hard right on head. Gans jabs left to head and swings right, but Gardner gets away. Gardner lands right on head. Gans' round.
Gans Gets Stinger.
Round 6--Gans jabs left to head. Gardner lands left on head and right on body. Gardner repeats. Gardner lands hard left to body and they clinch. Gardner is tiring. Gardner puts left to body and repeats to head. They exchange rights on body. They clinch. Gardner fighting wildly. Gans puts two hard rights to jaw, staggering Gus. They clinch. Gans puts a left to head. Gans puts left to head. Gans' round.
Round 7--Gardner was much refreshed. Gans puts left to jaw. Gus swings right to jaw. Gardner puts left to head and right to body. Gans jabs left on head. Gus misses right and left. They exchange lefts. Gans puts left and right to head. They spar. Gans leads left to head. Honors even.
Round 8--Gans jabs left to jaw and receives right on body. Gans swings right to head. Gardner very wobbly. Gardner covers up to avoid Gans' right to head. Gans swings left to head and Gus swings right to jaw. Gans hit low and apologized. Gus missed a left to jaw. Gans uppercuts and Gus covers up. Gans puts a left on jaw. Gardner puts left to head and gets hard right swing in return. Gans' round.
Round 9--Gans puts left to head lightly. They clinch. Gans puts left to head and receives right on body. Gus puts right to body. Gardner puts hard right to Gans' body, staggering him. Gans comes back. Gans stalling . Gus puts right to body and left to head. Gus puts vicious right to body. Gans chopping Gus. Gardner puts left and right to jaw. Gans short on jaw. Gans chopped with left. Gus hit Joe over kidneys. Gans jabs left to head and Gardner swings left on body. Honors were even.
Round 10--They shake hands for wind-up. Gardner sends right and staggers Gans. Gus hooks hard to jaw. Gans chopped left to jaw. Gans lands right to body. Gus lands right on body. They clinch. Gardner swings a left to head. Gans puts a left to head and receives left to body. They clinch. Gans lands left on jaw. Gardner was wild and clinched. Gans puts left on jaw. Gus lands left on head, after being short with same. Gans gets the decision.
At the end of the bout Gans was fresh and showed no marks while Gus was flushed and tired.
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